
Mr. Manners and His Lovelies

Mr. Manners promo illustration

The Marquette YMCA
May 3–4, 2013
St. Louis

1638 N. Richmond Garden
August 29, 2013

Co-organized in St. Louis with The Transients.

Both occasions accompanied by a 21-sabrage salute.

Frank Pollard, Agency Headquarters: Agency Communication Device Etiquette

Frank Pollard
Agency Headquarters: Agency Communication Device Etiquette

Eden Unluata, Visiting With the Sultan

Eden Ünlüata
Visiting With the Sultan

Catie Olson, The Anal Hand

Catie Olson
The Anal Hand

Brett Williams, Brett Eats Peanut Butter

Brett Williams
Brett Eats Peanut Butter

Colin Palombi + Angee Lennard
Test Fart

Steven Fletcher, Oh Do It: The Ballad of Pirate Max

Steven Fletcher
Oh Do It: The Ballad of Pirate Max

Meg Duguid, I'm Sorry

Meg Duguid
I'm Sorry

Eden Unluata, The King's Playground

Eden Ünlüata
The King's Playground

Catie Olson, SpiderMan

Catie Olson

Damon Bishop + Cara Kuball, Lagormorpha

Damon Bishop + Cara Kuball

Pritzker Elementary School Arts Club
(Simone Hoekstra, Milo LeMoine, Cyrus LeMoine, Dennis Willis)
Mr. Manners and the Revenge of the Smokey Chicken Poofs, to the Disappearing Pie Customers

St. Louis photos

Artists were invited to use the abandoned YMCA to design viewing situations for the films.

Indoor running track at the Marquette YMCA Running track etiquette Installation with Damon Bishop and Cara Kuball's <em>Lagormorpha</em>. Arragned: Bj Vogt. Bj Vogt as rabbit, barring viewership to Bishop and Kuball's video. Bj Vogt as rabbit, barring viewership to Bishop and Kuball's video. Catie Olson's <em>Anal Hand</em> installation Catie Olson's <em>Anal Hand</em> installation, with toilet paper and candies Buckeye candies presented by Catie Olson Mirror and directions for downloading Frank Pollard's <em>Agency Headquarters</em>. Arranged: Bj Vogt. Frank Pollard's <em>Agency Headquarters</em> Meg Duguid's <em>I'm Sorry</em> in chilled room Meg Duguid's <em>I'm Sorry</em> in chilled room [illuminated] Eden Ünlüata's <em>King's Playground</em> and <em>Visiting With the Sultan</em>, screened deep inside of a utility space. Arranged: EC Brown. Installation for Steven Fletcher's <em>Oh Do It: The Ballad of Pirate Max</em>. Installation for Colin Palombi and Angee Lennard's <em>Test Fart</em>. YMCA poster YMCA poster Champagne sabrists Travis Howser, Catie Olson and Bj Vogt Sabred bottles Sabred bottle tops Locker room etiquette

Chicago sabrage photos

Sabrage audience in Chicago, with safety protection Champagne sabrists Jamie McLennan, Laurie Hefner and Jeremy Quinn Sabrists in action On-scene typist Vanya Schroder